Wednesday, July 07, 2004

Lately I've been seeing some good stuff on metafilter here's a couple of links that I found real amusing today: first there's this no circles game, the point of which is to figure out how to play it and second is this dancing eyball/plant thing.


post script: I saw Jack Edwards, the son of John, held upside down on the tv today - surely an election clinching moment. That and those Kerry sisters (anybody see the Canes festival pic) being all cute with their bros the heinz boys.

Tuesday, July 06, 2004

Bought some disk, saw some explosions

Ya, so this weekend I bought the new wilco cd. The wilco cd's tough for me to get a grasp of, but it's one of those peices that I'm not fond of now, but likely will be fond of in a month after I've let it soak for a bit. Right, so I went back home to the county with more cows than people and as many stoplights as county seats with my girl and watched the fireworks there - they didn't disappoint - 15 blissful minutes and maybe thrice as many fire works shot into the dark dark sky, good times all around, much deck sitting and sun soaking, pleasent, relaxing. Anyway, here back in the cities after all that is just fine with me as well.