Wednesday, October 06, 2004


Allright, I watched and listened to the vicepresidental debates last night and seriously.

1 - The Democrats "new" Iraq Plan
a. Train the Iraqi forces faster
b. Rebuild faster
c. Charter a bus (ie Iraq is not safe enough for the Iraqi military to train in so we'll train them elsewhere.)

notes: This plan is not a plan, while I understand that John Edwards did not want to get caught up in the logistics, I want to know how they plan to do things differently other than faster. Also, I'm not fully informed on the Iraq situation, but the statement that all of Iraq is so unstable that there is no where suitable to train is real difficult for me to believe when generally I think at least, the consensus of military and gov't leaders is that there are places where it's bad and places where it's good.

2-I'm really quite angry that John Edwards insinuated that the downturn in the economy that was spurred by the 9-11 attacks and other factors was a function of the current leadership's leadership. While I'm not formally trained enough to be an expert in the field of economics, but to attribute this latest decline to the current regime is symptomatic of a lack of forsight. The economy is a problem right now, job losses are a problem right now, but it's time that politicians started speaking honestly about the economic situation and stop scapegoating the short term. I don't need to be insulted by politicians using ignorance on a subject as a vehicle to misrepresent information. Same goes for the republicans on Iraq.

Vote Nader!


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