Wednesday, December 01, 2004

The Horrors of "The Patriot"Yesterday I had some driving to do. Had a job interview for some holiday work at a catering company and then met my father for dinner in Eau Claire. Anyway, I probably put in about five hours of drive time and prompted by some interpersonal election night discussion thought that I'd check out some talk radio so I could listen to Kerry and then Bush talk about election results. First off, I think Kerry may have won the election if he'd managed to give a speach that conveyed his humanity and deep rooted concern for the country as well as his concession did. Maybe I just didn't tune in enough, but I thought I saw something genuine that I hadn't before. Regardless, the conservative talk radio was frightening. The narrow margin of victory in this election for either candidate should be a cause for concern, not jubilation. I believe the differences between the two candidates were not marginal, but the victory was marginal. The two points of discussion were: 1) relief the the president will still be in power for four more years and 2) How the election results are a sign that the left has isolated itself from anyone, but itself and that the american people want a president who is not afraid to let his personal moral convictions reflect his policy. The latter is a dangerous conclusions considering the results. The discussion should be not what the split means, but ways in which we can reconsile and mend the division. The gloating, while denied as such, is unwarrented considering the margin and genuine concern is needed at this point in time. Anyway, my foray into the blantenly conservative press has presidence, for years I've kept and eye on the weekly standard, just to make sure I know how far off the far off is, maybe it's time to be afraid; I'm afraid of both sides if my perceptions on the backlash are correct.out,Erasmus

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