Tuesday, February 08, 2005


Yo, so I threw up some ribaldry pic from the other weekend; enjoy.

Additionally this week's started out quite right. I kinda felt like garbage all last week, but didn't know it until I woke up monday morning feeling great. Colds have a way with that with me - I can't really tell that I'm sick until I'm well.

It's tuesday and I've foregone the whole hump day thing and am looking toward the weekend; I think I've got to get myself out and see some live music this weekend because I've had a bit of a drought of seeing anything of note lately. Hopefully they're'll be something worth-while.

Speaking of worth-while, yesterday I realized that somehow I've gone this long without reading or listening to the state of the union address, guess it's probably the usual drivel and cliche, but it seems like the kind of thing an informed citizen would do - I usually make a point of it.


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