Tuesday, December 06, 2005

New Stuff,

I took a new cooking job and am paring one down and sluffing one off. I'm excited, it'll be a supervisor position. Really, it's the first job that's not entirely entry level that I've ever had, neat. Additionally, I need to go christmas shopping and I'm not sure what to get anyone this christmas...or even how much money to spend......that's one thing that's better with a girl, having someone to go christmas shopping with, maybe I'll get one and then go shopping, shit maybe I'll just get a reasonable faximile and go shopping with it or them or whatever. Oh yeah, I need to go christmas shopping because I'm likely going to not spend this christmas with my family - pa-rents are heading a little too far east to accomidate my schedule. That'll be a first, but I'm really kinda looking forward to that, I might head to greenbay, kidnap my grandfather and go christmas party crashing with our extended relatives, we'll see if that works out. Otherwise I just may hang here - thanksgiving was wasted really, I should have just stayed here and done the orphan buisness, which I partook in to some extent anyway.

In other news..........yeah I really don't have much for other news, just living working and trying to figure exactly what I'm doing on this planet - all I know for sure right now is that I'm endeavoring to be a good man, that is the one thing I value above all else.

There's this Twin Cities' artist named Michael Birawer who.......well let me get the link for ya - here- anyway, I really want a turf club print. The stuff's a little goofy, but funashell. (fun as hell, not fun a shell - MONKEY!)

I saw an acquaintence's profile on a site I used to frequent today........funny stuff that.

I'm going to be sad to leave my job at the golf club I worked at for better than two years, I'm aspiring to not loose touch with a good friend there, we'll see, not loosing touch isn't really my forte, but last time it worked so maybe again it will too......effort though, effort.

I really should be sleeping right about now, but I was up late last night(went to the triple rock to see some local girl band rock out and have some drinks with a friend - good times were had by all, except the kitchen was closed by 11 and I was wicked hungry and then that cuban samich place on lake, just west of 55 was closed when we tripped by a 2, yeah that sucked, so I ate two chipoltle burritos for lunch at one to make up for it - then I took a nap) and just don't have the sleep in me and it's not because of caffine or......well, it could be then nap I took, but really...I just want to sleep and can't seem to actualize the concept, so as usual I'm avoiding, typing, wasting time.

I wish i new..................


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