Thursday, September 16, 2004 seems so out of context, in this gaudy apartment complex.....
& also introducing....

OK, so I ran across a couple of new blogs this week, friends of mine who I haven't run into for a while, hence not connecting with their journals.

First there's musebomb who with the writer of "this is not a fugazi tee-shirt" are responsible dualy for my appreciation of secular independent musicians and that does not necessarily reflect either my social or moral values.

Second there's Lucy Electric - a friend who I hung with back a couple of years ago when I was really wandering who was wandering a little - I'm real excited to see if she's as grounded as I may or may not be right keep an eye there too.

For those of you not familiar with the lyrics by the postal service in the subject line it means that I'm sans gf now and again...keep me in your prayers and such.

So that's about all for now, until the next (I hope not monthly) installment.

post script: I'm heading to the Turf tonight to check out some local alt-country stuff - show's at 10 - y'alls invited.

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