Sunday, January 02, 2005

Aught Five


So, the new years scrambled by - rushed by the year to come. started with Mtt reminding me to "touch Cleopatra's spleen", which is of course a mnemonic from the night before that I can only recount making sense in light of the stage lights and furry pants of wookie foot - I'm sure I'll be able to decipher it with time, but for the love of God, just give me a bit of it, time that is. Something to behold truely.

Anyway, I spent the days surrounding the passing of the new year moving my girl in and looking for a digital camera, I think I'm going to invest in a cannon sd200 due to it's compact size and action pact(sic) features. If anyone knows about a better value out there let me know.

My heart was with y'alls in Madison; wish I could have celebrated with all y'all, but had I, I'd have said the same about the celebrations I missed here in the TC, so I'll just wax a little vicarious bit in the picture post a-ron set up and toast my latte to the corkboard in the foreground.


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