Wednesday, March 23, 2005

In response to, tangentially at least, My Boss is a Jewish Carpenter

Fist off, K_rel's post is super funny, but it does bring up an interesting issue.

I speak for only myself and my views only, here, now. The aformentioned bumper sticker is very much a reason why I have not participated in organized religion for quite some time. Somewhere out there there's a myth or story about the fish that looks like an infinty symbol with half a circle lopped off, wherein the symbol was place outside residences to let persons know where safe havens for christians were. A large part of christianity is based in tradition and the safe haven tradition is part of the experience. I have no problem with the safe haven bit, but the bumper sticker is more than that, right; it's a very obvious declaration of faith and that too I am not opposed to. The problem for me is the tone in which the message invokes to the non-christian reader. The message is a "I'm a Christian and you're not so there" a negatively prideful message - unbiblical for all of you literalists out there. Even less appealing to the non-christian is the "in event of rapture this car will be unmanned." The problem with the bumperstickers is that from inside certain american christian cultures they are seen as funny and true and outside of that culture the stickers are associated with a negatively prideful message - problematic communication between contexts. I personally denounce that portion of christian culture today. I do think, though that if you're going to have a bumper sticker that's a declaration of your christianity, the one m_g's got is about right.

God Bless Everyone. No Exceptions.

as you were,

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