Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Yeah, so I've been perusing the anti-drug websites; as some of you will recieve notification from......ha ha (I'm laughing out loud as I'm writing this - suckas! - ha ha)

Anyway, there's also this site that I think is pretty funny stuff 911 in plane site. I mean seriously folks, as they say, "conspiracy theory is the new muti-colored toejam".

On a more or less serous note, a couple of new disks I've laid my hands on are well worth the buck if, that is, you're down with some kick-ass new hip hop. The first is Fast Cars, Danger, Fire and Knives a product of that Aesop Rock thing I've been fanatic about lately. In addition the new offering from Atmosphere, Headshots: Se7en is an interesting movement between Overcast and Lucy Ford for which I'm quite grateful.

Yeah, it's like that y'all,

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