Wednesday, May 16, 2007

.....of the summer

Last night I decided these things.

1. The whiskey sour is the drink of the summer
2. Sushi rolls are the new uptown cookie - for example neighborly housewarming gifts.
3. I'm not getting a cat
3.1. I really want a cat......or two
4. I need a girlfriend for the summer
5. My new apartment kicks ass because I made it that way.
6. I need to blog more.



Anonymous said...

Mmm. Sushi.

Mmm. Whiskey.

Mmm. Summer.

I need a bicycle for the summer. I decided a couple weeks ago that I just plain am not going to drive this summer. Driving is unnecessary indoor time.

But then my bike got stolen. And my helmet. It was a nice bike.

So a POS must replace it. I want a road bike. Or an old cruiser.

Erasmus said...

get yourself a good aged steel frame road bike - I've got this sweet white and silver Miata that's totally perfect for city riding........and although they look and feel odd at first after riding mountain bikes for a while I highly recommend drop bars.

Erasmus said...

...Plus I bought it for sixty bucks

Anonymous said...

Well, I half-took your advice. I did get a steel-frame road bike, it does have drop-bars, and they are indeed a strange thing to adjust to (although I think my wrists truly prefer the drop bars), but it's got sweet components and lots of do-dads (like a rearview mirror! LOL!) and I paid $350 for it, but it would retail at like $1,000 so I didn't TOATLLY go hogwild.

Steel frames are rad. I don't like the super light, super stiff frames because you feel every damn bump in the road. And the only time I have to carry it is up my front stairs (drunk, in heels and a skirt, but meh), so steel is just fine with me.