Saturday, May 26, 2007

Updated weekend..........

Well, this a-one started with a bloody bang - yo. First my work schedule is real chill - gotta find something to do Monday afternoon and Tuesday night - since the folks I normally chill with are outta town....which leads me to my next issue - I've kinda been flirtin' with this front desk woman at the hotel I work at and HOOHA - she gave me her number whilst I was there last night to check my schedule for the upcoming last weekend I'll be there. Sometimes that wistful shyness I exhibit in awkward social situations pays off. Gotta give her a call today.

For the E-beth's inquiring mind:

I've finally started the art project that I've been jabbering about intermittently for years. There's two stages to it. First I'm working on a series of studies of flame painted on mirrored glass. The idea is to let the "canvas" be part of flame so that the observer is in the midst of the painting. The second bit is kindofalongthesamelines. I've got this idea to start with a human form, maybe a bust in a window sized mirror in which there is a greyed out opaque bust of a person with face portion unpainted..or maybe just the eyes - we'll see how it turns out, but again the mirror will reflect the observer. So, we've got the hollow human form and along with it I want to paint several, several separate portraits in which the form is in a state of decay (think worms, bugs, grubs eating flesh), self-immolating (hence the study of flame before it), in tears, bleeding, covered in greengrowthandvines, get the idea. The best part of the whole project is that really the catalyst for it's initiation from mind to constitution is my home decorating shopping excursions in which I've found an outlet for totally affordable framed mirrors which is totally cool because for like $20 or $30 I can buy a canvas and a frame that entirely erasable if I so choose to scrap a project that's not working out. Anyway, that's the gist.


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