Wednesday, August 31, 2005

I think I just bought an insurance policy

Just now I helped the thug types who live in my building jumpstart their full-sized dodge van. They were trying to use a lighter and cables with a short to get the van jumped and first I pulled out my maglight and then troubleshot their cables and substituted mine subsequently. Plus, I gave them a talking to about the dangers of batteries and hydrogen gas, hopefully they'll get a flashlight next time. I'm guessing that my car won't get broken into anytime soon. I worked both jobs today, the golf club thing was a sinch, except for well....a fair amount of disorganization that led to some uncharacteristic cussing on my part, but hey that's senioritice for yah....half the help at the club is on the way out and some of the college kids are slacking and there's a change in management to boot, so we'll see where that goes, they're not hiring a sous-chef until spring, so the story goes and I'm not sure I'd be interested at all anyway, but they should be interested
'cause I've got a feeling shit's gonna go real sour real quick.......well so it goes.

I'm going to check out my possible future employment - the birchwood cafe - tomorrow night and see what it's like, plus I've heard that both the staff and clientel are hot.....barbette hot?...we'll have to see.

Anyway that's about all I've got for tonight seeing as how I'm tired.


post script: Happy belated birthday to K_rel of this is not a fugazi tee shirt dot blogspot dot com

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