Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Hurrican aftermath sensitivity warning,

Alright, I watched the premier of the second season of Lost tonight although I’d never seen the first season. Notable - the tv station decided that warning me of the impending rain was more important than letting me watch Lost in a timely manner, so I watched and surfed through like fourty-five minutes of it’s raining, so if you don’t want to get wet go inside “public service” coverage of the “storm” until which time the tv station decided to rebroadcast the premier of lost on an affiliate station. The coverage was god-awful, at one point, having nothing better to discuss an anchor was talking about how busy the insurance adjusters were going to be tomorrow……..really bad stuff. Anyway, I think I may keep up with Lost for a while while it’s convenient or not but it was an alright show for a slow night. Anyway, afterwards there is this aliens show that was premiering and there was some shitty warning regarding the depiction of hurrican aftermath and those sensitive to such things should be

My allergies were terrible tonight and I’m not sure, but everyone around me seems to be sick, from my boss to the barista who’s got some serious undergarment disfunction ;). Yeah, I’m beaning it again ( I’m not sure how I like the sound of that, but it might grow on me - I’m not sure I’m cool necessarily with folks being able to google where I hang out and find me, but beaning is at the Urban Bean, so that’s that forever in google land I guess.)

Anyway, work was cool today, I found out that the rest of the kitchen staff is getting their hours cut, but the chef told the general manager that under no circumstances would he cut my hours. My call is that that cuts two ways: 1) the chef knows that the hours that I put in are worth more than my wage and he knows he’s getting his money’s worth and 2) he knows that if he cuts my hours I’ll just go get another job cooking because of item one. I feel bad for the rest of the staff though, I mean, money’s ok in the chrome eyes world, not overly abundant, but it’s ok, I work two jobs and have like 75% more income than they do, so a hundred bucks a week might not suck too bad for me, but for them it really sucks and that sucks, but I guess they could get another job too so that’s that.

OH, SHIT YEAH. My Claritin just kicked in - BADASS!

Over and out for now,

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